Act for America fights on your behalf with unrelenting fire. In minutes a day, we arm you with hard-hitting truths and seconds-to-act tools, driving policy from city halls to Capitol Hill and dominating social media with YOUR values.
We’re the fiercest conservative grassroots force, exploding from 1.5 million to 5 million warriors in four years across 98% of U.S. counties!
We shield YOUR security. Radical Islam, Hamas, sleeper cells—they’re not myths; they’re threats we must expose. We’re countering infiltration in government, CIA, FBI, and Pentagon—securing America’s gates.
Are you ready to rise again as our shield, fueling this fight with a one-time gift of $35, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500, or even $1,000 to secure America’s future?
We safeguard YOUR vote. Election fraud festers, but we’re crushing it with 44 million messages last year alone—demanding voter ID, paper ballots, and clean rolls. No mail-in scams, no ballot harvesting—just YOUR honest say, protected.
We guard YOUR borders. We’re roaring for enforcement and deportations, battling against sanctuary, and ensuring YOUR streets stay safe with over 26 million actions.
We defend YOUR health sovereignty by hurling over 17 million actions to block the US from entering the WHO Health Treaty, buying precious time until Trump could reclaim the White House and ditch the WHO for good. We crushed vax, mask, and lockdown mandates, defending YOUR liberty with every ounce of our might.
Will you lock shields with us in this critical hour, powering our mission with a bold one-time donation of $35, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500, or a fearless $1,000?
We defend Your kids and grandkids as the unrivaled titan of Parental Rights and Education, wielding over 71 million actions to crush woke indoctrination and restore YOUR power. We’ve fought tooth and nail against CRT and gender ideology, securing school choice so YOU—not bureaucrats—shape your child’s mind.
The deep state stands unbroken, a festering swamp of corruption, and it’ll take every one of us—armed with relentless grit and unyielding resolve—to seize these next two to four years and rip out decades of D.C. rot by the roots.
Today I’m counting on you to help me meet this month's goal of $100,000.
This is YOUR fight, and we’re YOUR battle tank—not a think tank—charging through apathy with grassroots might. In minutes, YOU can read, act, and win.
In Gratitude,
Brigitte Gabriel