Legislative Victories 2024
ACT For America's grassroots influence resulted in over 241 Million actions and has contributed to the passage of 270 bills on the Federal and State level making ACT one of the most influential conservative movements in America today.
Arizona HB 2785 - This bill changes the timeline and methods for many elections related processes like printing and mailing of early and sample ballots, voter identification, and agreement of polling places. Additionally, the amendment imposes penalties for failure to properly handle completed early ballot requests and addresses the secure handling and confirmation of early ballot affidavits by county election officials. Signed/enacted - 2/9/2024
Indiana HB 1264 – The bill emphasizes that election activities must not be financed by any person directly and specifies the proof of residency required for voter registration. The bill also mandates that the Statewide Voter Registration System (SVRS) should be able to recognize potential nonresidential addresses and suggests a method for county voter registration officials to address such situations. Signed/enacted - 3/11/2024
Tennessee SB 1967 – The bill changes the deadline for a qualified voter to request an absentee ballot. Signed/enacted - 3/19/2024
Alabama SB1 – This bill requires absentee ballot application forms to contain specific information, including a declaration that the applicant is not barred from voting due to a disqualifying felony conviction. The bill also establishes penalties for violations, including felony charges for certain prohibited activities related to the distribution and submission of absentee ballot applications. Signed/enacted - 3/20/2024
Virginia HB441– The bill mandates that all election officers undergo specific training on facilitating voting outside of the polling place, and instructs the Department of Elections to include guidelines on such processes in their official documents for election officials. The provided guidelines are expected to encompass best practices for assisting voters with disabilities. Signed/enacted - 3/28/2024
Virginia SB605 – This bill amends the definition of "a person with a disability" to include anyone who has a physical or mental impairment that significantly restricts one or more major life activities or has a record of such impairment. It stipulates that any eligible voter with a disability is allowed to receive assistance outside of the polling place and introduces related technical changes. Signed/enacted - 4/04/2024
Idaho – HO599 - This bill prohibits ballot harvesting, which is the practice of third parties collecting and submitting others' absentee or mail-in voter ballots. The bill revises current laws regarding tampering with certificates of nomination and ballots. It provides exceptions for certain individuals, such as election officials, postal workers, common carrier employees, individuals who are related to or live with the voter, or caregivers, under certain conditions. It also sets a limit on the number of ballots a permitted individual can collect. Signed/enacted - 4/10/2024
Mississippi SB2576 – This bill clarifies what constitutes valid voter identification. Valid voter ID include a current and valid Mississippi driver's license, an identification card issued by a branch, agency, or entity of the State of Mississippi, a current US passport, an employee ID card with a photograph issued by a governmental agency, a valid tribal ID card with photograph, a current US military ID card, a current student ID card with photo from an accredited educational institution in Mississippi. Signed/enacted - 4/15/2024
Tennessee SB2118 – The bill defined as any impairment that prevents a person from effectively reading, writing, or using printed materials, including blindness, low vision, and physical disabilities like paralysis. The bill requires the coordinator of elections to prepare an application for voting absentee by mail for registered voters with print disabilities, with applications accessible via the secretary of state’s website. Any ballots completed must be mailed in, with voters signing under penalty of perjury to verify the information provided. Signed/enacted - 4/17/2024
West Virginia SB624 – The bill also allows the cancellation of voter registrations for individuals who are no longer West Virginia citizens and have obtained a driver’s license in another state. Signed/enacted - 4/23/2024
Georgia SB222 - The bill stipulates that all costs and expenses related to election administration must be paid for by lawfully appropriate public funds, prohibiting local governments and individuals from soliciting or accepting donations to support election administration. Signed/enacted - 5/3/2024
Georgia SB189 — The bill requires lists of people who have passed away probable causes for removing voters from the rolls, evidence of voting or registering in another jurisdiction or primary residence elsewhere, or a nonresidential address as Signed/enacted - 5/6/2024
Tennessee SB 2586 – It mandates that anyone collecting a voter registration form during a registration drive must deliver or mail the form to the relevant county election commission within 15 days. It also forbids a person from providing a registration application with pre-filled information about the applicant. The bill further prohibits anyone convicted of certain felonies from collecting or handling voter registrations. Furthermore, it is not permissible for a person collecting voter registrations to alter the registration form without the individual's knowledge and consent. The bill also sets out a system of penalties for any violations. Signed/enacted - 5/13/2024
Louisiana SB133 - This bill enacts a new law, R.S. 49:24, to disallow the exercise of jurisdiction by the World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum within the state of Louisiana. It prevents the state or any of its political subdivisions from enforcing or implementing any rules, regulations, fees, taxes, policies, or mandates from these international organizations. Signed/enacted - 5/28/2024
Louisiana HR133 – A RESOLUTION To request the House Select Committee on Homeland Security to review state government actions during the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, including the related shutdowns and other post pandemic activities, and to make recommendations to improve the state's response in future health emergencies. Signed/enacted – 5/28/2024.
Oklahoma SB426 - This bill prohibits the state of Oklahoma and its political subdivisions from enforcing or collaborating with any requirements or mandates issued by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations, or the World Economic Forum. It states that these organizations have no jurisdiction in Oklahoma and their policies, including those related to masks, vaccines, and medical testing, shall have no force or effect in the state. Signed/enacted - 6/5/2024.