End Birthright Citizenship Abuse!

Actions Taken
We must restore the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment on Birthright Citizenship as originally written and intended, ending the automatic granting of citizenship based solely on birthplace.
There are 1.8 million U.S.-born children with two undocumented parents.
The core of the debate centers on the original intent of the Fourteenth Amendment, which was primarily designed to secure citizenship for the children of freed slaves post-Civil War, ensuring their rights after the abolition of slavery.
We must end Birth Tourism abuse, attracting women from around the world to enter the US on false tourism visas with the agenda of birthing an anchor baby to establish residency in the United States and exploit chain migration policy thereafter.
This new bill would amend the Immigration Nationality Act to grant citizenship only to children born to U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, or immigrants with legal status serving in the military. This change would effectively end the practice of automatic citizenship for children born to undocumented immigrants or those on temporary visas.
Call on Congress to defend our Constitution and National Identity.