End New York Cashless Bail Policy!

Actions Taken
New Yorkers were lied to! The promise of ONLY releasing misdemeanor and non-violent criminals was not secured in this bill and is the #1 cause in the rise of violent crime in our state!
This Law and New York District Attorneys have made our cities unsafe! Get these violent offenders off the streets!
Many New York District Attorneys have chosen not to make a motion for pretrial detention of criminals charged with a violent felony under the allowance of the ‘Bail Elimination Act of 2019’, otherwise known as the “Cashless Bail Act”. Vague language is permitting District Attorney’s to forgo filing a motion for detention of violent criminals and they are intentionally downgrading violent criminals to misdemeanors and setting them loose on our streets to repeat their offenses!
Stop catch and release of violent offenders now!