FLAG all Venezuelans as a HIGH-RISK Special Interest Group!

FLAG all Venezuelans as a HIGH-RISK Special Interest Group!

Actions Taken

We must prioritize our nation's genuine national security interests and reconsider our approach to Venezuelan illegal immigrants, as their unchecked entry could potentially lead to a catastrophic terror attack on U.S. soil. Let us not forget the ominous chants of Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas: "Death to America, Death to Israel."

This special Venezuela program will likely result in a catastrophic national security nightmare, and here is why.

Iran, Hezbollah, and Venezuela have strong ties via the Lebanese diaspora in the country, a connection dating back to Hugo Chavez's time. The alliance, backed by Russia, persists under Nicolas Maduro's regime. U.S. and Israeli intelligence services have long known that they provide foreign operatives with state-backed identities, enabling them to operate in the Western Hemisphere. This practice allows terrorists to engage in illegal activities and build their capabilities while concealing their true origins. They receive extensive fake identities, including birth certificates, passports, and property records, falsely indicating Venezuelan birth. I urge you to investigate how Homeland Security can differentiate between non-criminal individuals and those connected to Maduro, Hamas, and Hezbollah among those carrying Venezuelan identification or seeking entry into the United States.

Call on Congress and the State Government to take immediate action to properly screen all Venezuelans and work to expedite their return home.

"Border security is the most basic and necessary responsibility of a sovereign nation!"
-Kirstjen Nielsen

Help Us Stop Hamas-Hezbollah Linked Venezuelan Aliens from Entering US!

Every dollar raised will be dedicated to raising awareness, and mobilizing grassroots pressure on every elected official to impact policy.

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