Rein In Rogue Judges

Rein In Rogue Judges

Actions Taken

Stop District Court Judges from Interfering in Presidential Orders!

Rogue district court judges have hijacked our Republic’s democratic process for too long, defying the elected president’s constitutional authority with nationwide injunctions. These unelected partisans waste time and resources, subverting democracy for their own agendas. It’s time to impeach them and end their blatant abuse of power!

Strip these overreaching courts bare and hand power back to the people—where it belongs. Senator Josh Hawley’s bill will stop district courts from issuing nationwide injunctions that choke presidential power, confining their meddling to their own backyards. No more lone activist judges in Maryland grounding deportation flights or halting border security nationwide—this restores the White House’s rightful authority under Article II. It slams the door on judge-shopping elites who’ve turned courts into policy playgrounds, and it could fast-track appeals to rip through judicial delays.

Call your senators, flood their inboxes, and march on X—demand they pass Hawley’s and Issa's bills now!

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
-Abraham Lincoln

Help Us Rein In Rogue Judges and Stop Presidential Interferrence!

Every dollar raised will be dedicated to raising awareness, and mobilizing grassroots pressure on every elected official to impact policy.

M Miller M
B Briggs B
C Cox C
J John J