Stop the China-Cuba Spy Base!

Stop the China-Cuba Spy Base!

Actions Taken

The Biden Administration attempted to deceive America by denying a China-Cuba Spy Base was in development followed by this week’s unapologetic admission that this is true, but now blames it on the previous “tough on China” Trump administration.

The potential for China to eavesdrop on electronic communications across the southeastern United States poses a significant threat to our national security and must be addressed with utmost urgency.

Furthermore, the American people cannot accept false statements and deceptions from the Biden Administration or any elected officials.

Call on Congress to act swiftly and decisively to stop this China-Cuba Spy Base and hold the Administration responsible for lying to America!

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
-President Abraham Lincoln

Help Us Stop the China-Cuba Spy Base!

Every dollar raised will be dedicated to raising awareness, and mobilizing grassroots pressure on every elected official to impact policy.