Stop States from Providing ‘Sanctuary’ to Minors for ‘Gender Affirming Care’ Without Parental Consent!

Stop States from Providing ‘Sanctuary’ to Minors for ‘Gender Affirming Care’ Without Parental Consent!

Actions Taken

Stop West Coast States from Luring and Encouraging Runaway Minors to Receive State Protected Sanctuary and Gender Affirming Care without Parental Consent or Notification!

California led the way as the first Sanctuary State, advertising that minors can receive gender affirming care including genital mutilation and chemical castration.

Washington State just passed a bill in the House and Senate, currently in CROSS OVER Status, attempting to lure unattended children, including runaways, to come to Washington, receive free shelter and free gender affirming care. The state legislature is attempting to indemnify all care providers from liability and lawsuits that may be filed from out of staters. Oregon State has also entered the race to be the next sanctuary state with similar legislation.

This is a national call to action to protect parents and children in all 50 states from these bills that assault parental rights.

Call on your representatives to take immediate action to STOP these states from infringing on parental, moral, and ethical rights of all states!

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Help Us Stop States from Luring Minors for Gender Affirming Care Without Parental Consent!

Every dollar raised will be dedicated to raising awareness, and mobilizing grassroots pressure on every elected official to impact policy.