Stop Trump Proofing California!

Stop Trump Proofing California!

Actions Taken

For: CA

Sacramento, under Governor Newsom, has chosen politics over public safety, creating a taxpayer-funded welfare sanctuary for illegal immigrants. They're not just following the Biden-Harris Open Border policy; they're going further by decriminalizing, subsidizing, and shielding illegal aliens from accountability.

In California, we're spending over $31 billion annually on non-citizens for education, healthcare, and housing, while our state faces unprecedented deficits. Over 100 potential terrorist "Special Interest Aliens" have been caught in San Diego alone, and California is home to an estimated 2.6 million illegal immigrants, alongside another 2.3 million "documented" waiting for asylum, making our state the #1 for illegal alien population.

This comes at a cost of $588 billion to California taxpayers, including the highest state income, sales, and gas taxes in the country. Sacramento's "Trump-Proofing" adds another $25 million for legal battles against federal policies, ignoring the needs of legal residents.

Call on California Lawmakers to: 

1) End the Sanctuary and Subsidy Program for illegal immigrants.

2) Reverse all "Trump-Proofing" measures and stop this wasteful spending.

3) Focus on making California safe and prosperous for its citizens, not a playground for political games.

Join the fight! It's time to stop the abuse of taxpayer money and prioritize Californians' safety, prosperity, and sovereignty. Call on the State Legislature to act now. Stop Trump Proofing California!

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
-Abraham Lincoln

Help Us Stop Newsome's Trump-Proofing of California!

Every dollar raised will be dedicated to raising awareness, and mobilizing grassroots pressure on every elected official to impact policy.

M Mazzara M
Z Zabel Z
C Calderwood C