Support Freedom from Mandates Act!

Mandate Freedom! End Medical Tyranny in All 50 States and the Federal Level Today!

Actions Taken

The WHO is Promising "Disease X" is Right Around the Corner! Time to Secure Our Freedoms from Medical Tyrants in Every State Before the Next China Model Lockdown!

Restore our civil liberties and end government-sanctioned medical tyranny. Covid vaccine, mask, and lockdown mandates have become one of the greatest infringements upon individual liberties, principles of federalism, and separation of powers ever attempted by an American President, Governors, and unelected bureaucrats across the nation! Mandates in the name of a health emergency have been coercive and punitive for those who choose to exercise body autonomy for religious, medical, or personal reasons. Hardworking frontline care workers, emergency responders, and working-class Americans have lost their jobs or have succumbed to coercive vaccine policies in the state, federal, and private sectors to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads, or have sacrificed their careers and income to fight these mandates. End medical tyranny and support freedom from all mandates in all 50 states and at the Federal level!

Call on Congress to Support Freedom from Mandates Today!  

"Freedom is the Power to Say No."

Help Mandate Freedom and End Medical Tyranny!

Every dollar raised will be dedicated to raising awareness, and mobilizing grassroots pressure to every member of Congress to say NO to all Mandates!

K Kroupa K
L Lucado L
T Troise T