The Biden Administration is preparing to sign away US Sovereignty! We must stop the Biden Administr…
Voter ID and US Citizenship Verification to Vote! 48 states allow illegal non-citizens to register…
The Biden Administration has created an unprecedented national security crisis which should be decla…
The Voting Machines Must Go! Secure One Man, One Vote! Georgia recently passed…
Defend Israel’s legitimate right to respond to Hamas' war crimes, including the deliberate targ…
Students, professors, faculty, and paid agitators are calling for blood and many are foreign VISA ho…
Clean Voter Rolls Prevent Foreign Interference and Felony Voter Fraud! Americans demand clean voter…
Gaza Refugees, most of whom elected Hamas to govern in Gaza, will be seeking refuge in America.&…
Call on our lawmakers to put Americans first, not ‘Green Energy’ special interest groups and ‘Green…
Recent events have raised significant concerns regarding the funding of extremist groups and organiz…
Call on all 50 States to Unite and Use State Constitutional Powers to Halt the Border Invasion! The…
Partisan Big-Tech and Private Entities Greatly Impacted Our 2020 General Election! The Zuckerberg f…