Parental Rights Are Under Assault in Montana! The State of Montana is currently…
Call on all 50 States to Unite and Use State Constitutional Powers to Halt the B…
Take a stand against the complicity of airlines like American and Delta, as well…
The Federal Clean Air Act of 1970: Exploited to Ban Gas-Powered Vehicles and Wag…
FAA's Dangerous DEI Agenda Threatens Travel Safety! The Federal Aviation Admini…
A Quarter of US States are 'Sanctuary States' and there are over 300 sanctuary j…
Stop Militant Protestors from Shutting Down Our Roads! Nationwide, major roads…
Why Has the Biden Administration Donated Close to One Billion Dollars in "Aid" t…
Alarming reports reveal that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is divertin…
Suspend Qatar’s status as a Major Non-NATO Ally (MNNA) until it no longer suppor…
The DHS Secretary Mayorkas has Revealed His Amnesty Plot While Aiding a Catastro…
We must stop US Mayors from Executing Unconstitutional Foreign Treaties with the…